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Comics - Ongoning Series - Superman / Batman - Issue #24

TITLE: With a Vengeance! Chapter Five: The Price of Our Sins
STORY ARC: With a Vengeance!

RELEASE DATE: November, 2005
COVER DATE: January, 2006

WRITER: Jeph Loeb
PENCILER(s): Ed McGuinness
INKER(s): Dexter Vines
COLORS: Dave McCaig
LETTERS: Richard Starkings
EDITOR(s): Eddie Berganza; Tom Palmer, Jr.
COVER: Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines

PRICE: $2.99 U.S./$4.00 Canada

CHARACTERS: Superman [Clark Kent; Kal-El]; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Supergirl [4 versions; Kara Zor-El; Linda Danvers; Cir-El]; Power Girl [Kara; Karen Starr]; Superwoman [Laurel]; Batwoman [Helena]; Superlad; Miss Miracle; Big Bard; Maximums [Soldier; Hornet; Robot; Viking; Monster [Becky]; Bug; Wolfen; Bowman (ghost)]; Bizarro; Batzarro; Metron; Darkseid; Joker


The fate of the universe hangs in the balance unless the World's Finest Team, The Dark Damsel Detective and The Woman of Steel, that is can stop it! There's nothing more incredible than the debut of Batwoman and Superwoman! Guest-starring Superlad!



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