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Comics - Ongoing - Detective Comics - Issue #122

TITLE: The Black Cat Crimes

COVER DATE: April, 1947

WRITER: Edmond Hamilton
ARTIST: Bob Kane
INKER: Charles Paris
EDITORS: Jack Schiff
COVER: Bob Kane; Charles Paris

PRICE: $.10 U.S.

CHARACTERS: Batman (Bruce Wayne); Robin (Dick Grayson); Commissioner Gordon

Catwoman escapes from prison, then threatens three wealthy men. When the men won't pay her, Catwoman causes black cats to cross their path. She then robs the men. Batman and Robin try to stop her, but Robin is captured. He is taken to Catwoman's hide-out where he uses his belt-radio to summon Batman. Batman then rescues his partner. Catwoman flees and is presumed dead after her car jumps off a bridge.

TITLE: The Uncandid Camera

WRITER: Unknown
ARTIST: Harris Levy
INKER: Harris Levy
CHARACTERS: Air Wave; Static

Escaped convict Slug Meeker visits the studio of photographer Andy Philips to take photos with European backgrounds. He then sends the photos to the police to make them believe he is hiding in Europe. Larry Jordan realizes the photos have been faked, so he searches for Meeker as Air Wave. He finds the gang in Philips's studio. Though the gang wins the first round and captures Air Wave, he escapes with the aid of Static. Air Wave then apprehends the gang.

TITLE: The Crazy Customers

WRITER: Unknown
ARTIST: John Daly
INKER: John Daly
CHARACTERS: Slam Bradley; Shorty Morgan

While in a department store, Shorty and Slam witness several kids buying adult items. They also see several men buying childrens toys. Puzzled, they investigate. Shorty disguises himself as one of the kids. Slam doesn't recognize him and follows. Thugs then slug Slam and give Shorty cash. When Slam and Shorty get back together to compare notes, they find that the cash is counterfeit. Slam deduces the crazy customers were acting strange to distract clerks from noticing the phony money. The detectives locate the crooks' hide-out and apprehend them.

TITLE: Four Swords for a King

WRITER: George Kashdan
ARTIST: Curt Swan
INKER: Steve Brodie
CHARACTERS: Boy Commandos; Andre Chavard; Tex; Brooklyn; Alfy Twidgett

After reading the story of the Three Musketeers, the Boy Commandos envision themselves as the famous French heroes. 17th century scientist Jean Vernet brings the Commandos back in time to fill the roles of the Musketeers and D'Artagnan. The boys then help stop a plot by the Spanish Duke De Gatz to start a war between France and England. After defeating the Duke, Vernet returns them to their own time. Later Alexander Dumas changes the story, so the Musketeers are men rather than boys.



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