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Comics - Ongoning Series - Birds Of Prey - Issue #98

COVER TAGLINE: Is She Heroine or Villainess? What is her Startling Secret?
TITLE: False Idol
STORY ARC: Headhunt

RELEASE DATE: September, 2006
COVER DATE: November, 2006

WRITER: Gail Simone
PENCILER(s): James Raiz
INKER(s): Robin Riggs
COLORS: Hi-Fi Design
LETTERS: Pat Brosseau
EDITOR(s): Mike Carlin; Tom Palmer Jr.
COVER: Jerry Ordway

PRICE: $2.99 U.S.

CHARACTERS: Oracle (Barbara Gordon); Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance); Huntress (Helena Bertinelli); Gypsy (Cindy Reynolds); Sin; Batgirl (Charlie Gage-Radcliffe); Thorn (Rose Forrest); Yasemin


Meeting for a lunch together in the park, Helena and the others can't help but remark how quickly Sin is learning things and assimilating. But with untold damage done to her by Shiva during her years being trained as a killer, no one feels comfortable putting Sin into a normal school situation. Dinah offers to take care of Sin full-time with Helena working as Sin's tutor. The only problem being that Dinah's status as a crimefighter would put Sin in danger at almost all times. Perhaps, Canary reflects, that needs to change.

Now that the Society is temporarily taken care of, the Birds can officially turn their attentions to the new "Batgirl" being spotted across Gotham. The group goes to Gotham's seedier parts of town where the Batgirl was last spotted and engage in a "Batgirl hunt." Little do they know however that one of them is also being hunted. Recently released from Eddleton Federal Women's Penitentiary, the Turkish gunrunner Yasemin is ignoring the Gotham Gangsters' embargo on attacks on the Huntress and decides to take Helena out.

When the new Batgirl finally shows up the Birds try to take her down but the girl reveals that she obviously has her own set of meta abilities, easily taking out Gypsy and putting up quite a fight against Helena and Dinah. On top of this, whoever this new hero is, she knows everyone's secret identities! With the Birds preoccupied Yasemin decides to make her move. She prepares to shoot Helena in the spine but as the gun goes off the new Batgirl surprisingly teleports herself directly in the bullet's path, saving Helena. Yasemin and her driver take off as the women crowd around the wounded Batgirl. Suddenly the stranger disappears again without a trace.

Barbara sends Dinah and Helena to look after the shooter while she tries to put a trace on this new disappearing Batgirl. Little does she know that she won't have to look very far - Batgirl appears right behind Barbara, giving her a big hug!



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