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Comics - Ongoning Series - Birds Of Prey - Issue #96

COVER TAGLINE: Black Alice in Wonderland!
TITLE: Part 1: Through the Shards of a Looking Glass
STORY ARC: Headhunt

RELEASE DATE: July, 2006
COVER DATE: September, 2006

WRITER: Gail Simone
PENCILER(s): Paulo Siqueira
INKER(s): Robin Riggs
COLORS: Hi-Fi Design
LETTERS: Pat Brosseau
EDITOR(s): Mike Carlin; Tom Palmer Jr.
COVER: Brian Miller; Jerry Ordway

PRICE: $2.99 U.S.

CHARACTERS: Oracle (Barbara Gordon); Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance); Huntress (Helena Bertinelli); Gypsy; Sin; Black Alice (Lori Zechlin); Carl Zechlin; Calculator (Noah Kuttler); Cheetah (Barbara Minerva); Felix Faust; Talia al Ghul; Batgirl (Charlie Gage-Radcliffe)



Still reeling after the loss of her mother and nearly avoiding federal incarceration, Black Alice returns to the "normal" world of taunting and teasing at her high school in Dayton, OH. Although she daydreams of using her immense power to exact revenge against the bullies at school, she nevertheless resists the urge and continues to soldier on through her day to day life. Unbeknownst to her she has attracted the attention of the Society of Super-villains. Despite the fact that the magic-based villains of the Society fear Alice's ability to absorb their powers, Talia al Ghul, Felix Faust and Cheetah continue to scout Alice in the hopes of bringing her to their side.

Oracle, learning of the Society's intentions, sends the Birds to Dayton to keep an eye on Alice while she takes some personal time off. The Birds soon realize they're already too late when they find that the Society is already at the Zechlin household. Alice, feeling betrayed by the Birds who wanted to see her locked-up, unleashes a wave of destruction that decimates her front lawn and nearly kills Black Canary!

Meanwhile, someone wearing Barbara Gordon's old Batgirl costume is patrolling the streets of Gotham.



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